Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Writing Challenge Week 2

And the all seeing eye keeps watching..

Well it's that time of week again - Tuesday :) which means a new pre-term challenge for A215.

This week's task: 'Write a vignette with "we meet again as your prompt", this may be interpreted however you wish. There is no minimum or maximum word count'.

Pah!! I was lured into a total false sense of security with last week's poetry task, I didn't even contemplate that we might be asked to write prose at somepoint - silly girl. Now I'm extremely worried and hope I can do it justice. If not I shall put it down to a learning curve :)

First and foremost I didn't even know what a vignette was an hour ago, and unlike my usual child in a sweet shop excitment over learning a new word, I found myself filled with absolute consternation.

A little visit to my best friend google, pointed me in the direction of another dear friend, wiki who informs me that in its original meaning, a vignette is 'something that may be written on a vine leaf'. Still not much of a clue then..it's literary meaning however, is 'short, impressionistic scenes that focus on one moment or give a particular insight into a character, idea or setting. Nope, sorry, I still don't get it. haha. But it is necessary for me to leave my poetic comfort zone and venture into new territory, and I relish a challenge so it will be done..tomorrow (or the next day)!!!

Well it is late and a fresh head always best for a task I say. Night followers, T xx

1 comment:

  1. It's not as scary as it sounds :)
    Take a look at the ones that have already been done - and have a little faith in yourself! :)
